Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter Truths: An Interview

Pilate saieth into him, what is truth?

John 18:38

Q: You look confused, what’s your problem?

A: It’s Easter, the most holy of Christian holidays, commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and I’m trying to sort out the truth.

Q: What truth?

A: How to interpret news from the Holy Land. Whether Israel or Iran is our friend or enemy. Whether Iranians mean it when they shout “Death to America!” Or “ Wipe Israel form the face of the Earth!”. Whether the nuclear “framework” if a good or bad idea. Whether Israel will go to war if it passes Obama muster.

Q: Look, get serioous. Foreign affairs is not your expertise. You write mostly about ObamaCare.

A: I’m confused there too. I find something Orwellian about it.

A: Why?

A: Well, Defeat at the midterm polls is victory. Failure to keep your doctors and your health plan is success. Trust in government is distrust of your providers.Coverage is access. Denial of adverse consequences is reliable. Unaffordability among the Middle Class is strength. Minorities are majorities. Congress is the enemy. My way is the high way.Compromise is capitulation. Social justice is economic immobility.Rhetoric is reality.

Q: That’s not Orwellian. That’s politics. Start at the extremes. Treat your allies as enemies. End up at the center.

A: That may be, but it doesn’t strike me as Christian.

Q: What is truth? Where do find the truth?

A: Truth is a composite of your experiences and the news you read or watch. And that news, its objectivity and bias influences your thinking. In my case, my sources of truth, if you want to call it that, are, in this order.

First, in depth print articles: Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, New England Journal of Medicine

Second, television: CBS, Fox News, BBC, and NPR

Third, online websites: Real Clear, Kaiser Health, Physicians, The Health Care Blog,

Four, Books on history, management and health reform

Q: And?

A: There are no whole truths, only half truths that fit your biases.

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